Ralf PühlerWhat IIoT Means for ManufacturingHow the Internet of Things Enhances Efficiencies throughout the Factory IIoT is perhaps the biggest buzzword in factory automation today,...
Transformation: Warum deutsche Unternehmen bei Digitalisierung und Nachhaltigkeit hinterherhinken – und wie sie die Wende schaffen können
Semantische Integration durch Knowledge Graphs: Wie die Verbindung von Daten zu Effizienzsteigerung und Wettbewerbsvorteilen führt
Daten – Die leeren Versprechen von IoT, Condition Monitoring und Machine Learning. Wahre Innovation entsteht durch traditionelle Methoden
17. JuliDriving Productivity through Cellular IoT: Lessons from China and Opportunities for GermanyIn 2023, mobile operators worldwide earned an impressive $15 billion from 3.6 billion cellular IoT connections.
11. JuliDemystifying Edge Gateways in Industrial ApplicationsIn today's industrial landscape, the need for efficient data management and real-time insights is paramount.
5. JuliThe Crucial Role of Quality Data in Enterprise AIQuality data is at the heart of successful enterprise artificial intelligence (AI).
13. JuniExploring Business Opportunities and Strategies in the Industrial Robotics MarketMarkets evolve over time, driven by technological advancements, shifting consumer demands, and changing competitive landscapes.
8. MaiDigital twins: When and why to use oneA digital twin can drive growth and innovation. Here’s how to determine whether using one could benefit your company. When most people...