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Creating and deploying Industrial IoT applications with Eurotech and Exosite

Autorenbild: Ralf PühlerRalf Pühler

Aktualisiert: 7. Aug. 2024

Eurotech and Exosite announced a collaboration aiming at combining Eurotech's Industrial IoT (IIoT) edge capabilities with Exosite's ExoSense condition monitoring application platform to easily develop and deploy Industry 4.0 applications.

The foundation of this collaboration lies in Eurotech's IIoT edge gateways and edge computers, that are enhanced by the company's IoT Edge Framework Everyware Software Framework (ESF). ESF provides a wide set of field protocol libraries to interface with sensors and other devices in the field and a built-in visual development environment to simplify the creation of IIoT and edge computing applications and enable the connectivity to cloud services.

Among these, Exosite's IoT platform Murano provides customers with a marketplace to find off-the-shelf IoT elements and vertically integrated bundles to accelerate their connected-product development.

3 simple steps to quickly develop and deploy Industrial IoT applications and solutions

The integration between Eurotech and Exosite enables the world’s leading manufacturers, system integrators, and distributors to quickly build and deploy connected products or add software to existing offerings through no-coding IIoT solutions like ExoSense, a condition monitoring application that provides operational insight into industrial assets and systems.

Please refer to the Quick Start Guide to learn more.

1) Setup an ExoSense Application Deployment

ExoSense is a condition monitoring application that runs on top of IoT platform services.

2) Configure Eurotech's IoT Edge Gateways

Eurotech provides a cloud connector to publish data on the Exosite's IoT platform.

3) Visualize your data on a dashboard

Users are able to view machine and sensor data and insights, build dashboards, receive notifications on state condition changes, manage access, generate reports, and manage their account in one place and from remote.

An integrated IIoT solution that can be set up in minutes

By combining Eurotech’s and Exosite’s technologies we can offer to our customers an integrated IoT solution that can be set up in minutes, and can scale to a large production deployment with multiple connectivity options at the edge and advanced applications at the cloud level.

Eurotech's IIoT gateways and ESF provide a quick and secure way to integrate with ExoSense applications, connect field assets and devices to the cloud and easily access and manage telemetry and diagnostic data from sensors and equipment, enabling Industry 4.0 applications like predictive maintenance.

Do you want to know more? Fill the following form to request information about Eurotech and Exosite collaboration.

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